Article - article objects for BSE.
use BSE::API qw(bse_make_article);
my $article = bse_make_article(...)
my $article = Articles->getByPkey($id);
Implements the base article object for BSE.
Simple column accessors.
Return the article's section.
Return the article's parent.
Return true if the article is rendered dynamically.
Return true if the article is accessible to the supplied siteuser group or group id.
Return true if the article is access controlled.
Return a list of all parents.
Return the admin link for the article.
Return true if the article can be linked to.
Returns true if the article expiry date has passed.
Returns true if the article release date has passed (ie. the article has been released.)
Return true if the article should be listed in menus.
Returns a list of ancestors of self.
Return true if self is a decsendant of the supplied article or article id.
Return true if this article should have pages generated, either for static content or for dynamic.
the BSE::TB::SiteCommon manpage
Tony Cook <>