iterator vimages articles filter
iterator vimages articles

Iterates over the images belonging to the articles specified.

articles can be any of:

articles has [] replacement done before parsing.

filter can be missing, or either of:

Items for this iterator are vimage and vthumbimage.

vimage field

Retrieve the given field from the current vimage, or display the image.

vthumbimage geometry field
vthumbimage geometry

Retrieve the given field from the thumbnail of the current vimage or display the thumbnail.


Generate - provides base Squirel::Template actions for use in generating pages.



This is probably better documented in templates.pod.


These tags can be used anywhere, including in admin templates. It's possible some admin code has been missed, if you find a place where these cannot be used let us know.

kb data tag

Formats the give value in kwhatevers. If you have a number that could go over 1000 and you want it to use the 'k' metric prefix when it does, use this tag. eg. <:kb file sizeInBytes:>

date data tag
date "format" data tag

Formats a date or date/time value from the database into something more human readable. If you don't supply a format then the default format of "%d-%b-%Y" is used ("20-Mar-2002").

The format is a strftime() format specification, if that means anything to you. If it doesn't, each code starts with % and are replaced as follows:


abbreviated weekday name


full weekday name


abbreviated month name


full month name


"preferred" date and time representation


day of the month as a 2 digit number


hour (24-hour clock)


hour (12-hour clock)


day of year as a 3-digit number


month as a 2 digit number


minute as a 2 digit number


AM or PM or their equivalents


seconds as a 2 digit number


week number as a 2 digit number (first Sunday as the first day of week 1)


weekday as a decimal number (0-6)


week number as a 2 digit number (first Monday as the first day of week 1)


the locale's appropriate date representation


the locale's appropriate time representation


2-digit year without century


the full year


time zone name or abbreviation


just '%'

Your local strftime() implementation may implement some extensions to the above, if your server is on a Unix system try running "man strftime" for more information.

bodytext data tag

Formats the text from the given tag in the same way that body text is.

ifEq data1 data2

Checks if the 2 values are exactly equal. This is a string comparison.

The 2 data parameters can either be a tag reference in [], a literal string inside "" or a single word.

ifMatch data1 data2

Treats data2 as a perl regular expression and attempts to match data1 against it.

The 2 data parameters can either be a tag reference in [], a literal string inside "" or a single word.

cfg section key
cfg section key default

Retrieves a value from the BSE configuration file.

If you don't supply a default then a default will be the empty string.


The release number of BSE.



Conditional tag, true if generating in admin mode.

iterator ... level1

Iterates over the listed level 1 articles.

level1 name

The value of the name field of the current level 1 article.

iterator ... level2

Iterates over the listed level 2 children of the current level 1 article.

level2 name

The value of the name field of the current level 2 article.

ifLevel2 name

Conditional tag, true if the current level 1 article has any listed level 2 children.

iterator ... level3

Iterates over the listed level 3 children of the current level 2 article.

level3 name

The value of the name field of the current level 3 article.

ifLevel3 name

Conditional tag, true if the current level 2 article has any listed level 3 children.

url which

Returns a link to the specified article . Due to the way the action list is built, this can be article types defined in derived classes of Generate, like the parent article in Generate::Article.

money data tag

Formats the given value as a monetary value. This does not include a currency symbol. Internally BSE stores monetary values as integers to prevent the loss of accuracy inherent in floating point numbers. You need to use this tag to display any monetary value.

ifInMenu which

Conditional tag, true if the given item can appear in a menu.

titleImage imagename text

Generates an IMG tag if the given imagename is in the title image directory (titles in the managed images directory). If it doesn't exist, produce text.

embed which
embed which template
embed which template maxdepth
embed child

Embeds the article specified by which using either the specified template or the articles template.

In this case which can also be an article ID.

template is a filename relative to the templates directory. If this is "-" then the articles template is used (so you can set maxdepth without setting the template.) If template contains a $ sign it will be replaced with the name of the original template.

If maxdepth is supplied and is less than the current maximum depth then it becomes the new maximum depth. This can be used with ifCanEmbed.

embed start ... embed end

Marks the range of text that would be embedded in a parent that used embed child.


Conditional tag, true if the current article is being embedded.


Needs more documentation.