userupdate.pod - configuring
This is pretty simple at base:
add an entry to [siteuser updates] with the key as the identifier of the update and the value as the description.
add a section [siteuser update identifier] with a key of fields
which contains a semi-colon separated list of fields to import.
This section can also contain validation rules and data for each of the fields.
Some simple examples:
[siteuser updates] custom1=Import custom1 by userId custom12=Import custom1/2 by id email=Import new email addresses
[siteuser update custom1] fields=userId;customStr1
[siteuser update custom12] customstr1_description=MicroSim Status customstr2_description=Correlation code customstr2_required=1 fields=id;customStr1;customStr2
[siteuser update email] fields=id;email
Note that only one of id and userId can appear in the list and one of them must appear in the list.
The email address is validated and checked against the blacklist. If the user has subscriptions and their email address changes a confirmation email is sent to the user.