Watcom C/C++ Resources


Powersoft resources - Resources that Powersoft have provided

Independent resources - Independent Watcom C/C++ specific material

General C++ - Applies to C++ in general

Windows resources - General Windows development resources

Games programming - MS-DOS Games programming

MS-DOS programming - The target for most games

Usenet resources - Non-powersoft newsgroups

Corporate Sites - Powersoft corporate websites

Books - Useful books

Credits - Who helped out...

What's new - Recent changes

Powersoft resources

Some of this moved around the 27th of October, so you might want to update your bookmarks.

Watcom C/C++ product page - product information on Watcom C/C++

Watcom C/C++ Technical Support Home - links to support for Watcom C/C++.

WebExpress - report/track bugs and enhancement requests.

powersoft.public.watcom_c_c++.general - Watcom C/C++ Newsgroup at forums.powersoft.com

Watcom C/C++ Infobases - searchable questions and answers.

Watcom C/C++ Software Libraries - see here for samples and patches.

Watcom C/C++ v11.0 Library - patches for the latest version.

Independent resources

Watcom C/C++ FAQ - Paul Hsieh's Watcom C/C++ FAQ. This contains a few useful links too. Also in text.

Watcom C/C++ Links - Paul Hsieh's links page

Alex Buell's progamming page - includes the Watcom Assembler (WASM) FAQ.

General C++


C++ at Yahoo

Standard Template Library

Standard Template Library Adaptation Page - port of the SGI STL that works on Watcom C/C++

Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide - includes a version that doesn't work on Watcom C/C++

ObjectSpace STL - a formerly commercial version of the STL

STL Links - a better set of links for STL than I have


Dan's C++ Riddle Page

Guru of the Week - archive of questions and answers posted weekly to comp.lang.c++.moderated


C/C++ Users Journal Home Page

C++ Report - a good magazine I no longer subscribe to


Draft of Programming Language C++ - downloadable standard and other C++ standard information

The ISO/ANSI C++ Draft - an online copy of the draft and some other information.

Windows resources


Microsoft's Win32 development site - you can download the Win32 SDK.

MSDN Online - register to see the SDK and DDK documentation.

Microsoft DirectX Multimedia Expo - Microsoft's DirectX site. Follow the Resources, and then Links of Interest for useful sites.


From hardcore Windows to visual development.

Windows Developer's Journal - tends to be Windows SDK based, a good read

Microsoft Systems Journal - sometimes a bit heavy on the bleeding edge.

Windows Tech Journal

Visual Developer Magazine

Games programming

X2 Support Group Game Development Archive - some interesting libraries and tools

Paul Hart's Games Programming page - interesting links

MS-DOS programming

Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - the definitive reference for MS-DOS interrupts.

Tenberry Software Inc. - Publisher of DOS4G/W. The DOS4GW FAQ is available here.

PMODE/W Home Page - home to latest version of PMODE/W, a free DOS extender that works with Watcom.

Devore Software & Consulting - home to Causeway a Dos Extender that works with Watcom. Very active development.

Usenet resources

You need to use your ISP's news server or Deja News for these:


comp.lang.c++.moderated - moderated C++ discussion group. (via Deja News.)

comp.std.c++ - discussion of the Draft C++ Standard. (via Deja News.)

comp.lang.c++ - a very busy group (unfortunately with many off-topic messages <sigh>). (via Deja News.)


comp.std.c - C standardisation discussion (via Deja News.)

comp.lang.c - a very busy C discussion group. (via Deja News.)

Microsoft Windows

comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.* - there's a lot of Windows programming groups (via Deja News.)

MFC Programming

comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.mfc - unfortunately very MS Visual C++ oriented (via Deja News.)

MS-DOS Programming

comp.os.msdos.programmer - active MS-DOS programming group (via Deja News.)

Corporate Sites

Powersoft Web Site

Sybase Web Site

Visual Components


I don't know of any Watcom C/C++ specific books that have actiually been published, so none of the books below directory target Watcom's compiler, but they also have little reliance of other tools where possible (unless otherwise noted).

I've provided links to the author's or publisher's sites where I can, where you may be able to get more information.

General C++

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual - the base document for the C++ standards effort. Watcom C/C++ is still mostly an ARM based compiler, but this is slowly changing. (Authors: Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup, ISBN: 0-201-51459-1, Publisher: Addison Wesley)

The C++ Programming Language (Third Edition) - a complete rewrite of the classic C++ text. (Author: Bjarne Stroustrup, ISBN: 0-201-88954-4, Publisher: Addison Wesley). See also the publishers page.

Working Paper for Draft Proposed Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language C++ - the draft standard available from your local standards organization (also available online here and downloadable here)

Effective C++ - 50 tips to improve your C++. My favourite C++ book. If you don't have this book GET IT! A second edition has just been released. (Author: Scott Meyers, ISBN: 0-201-56364-9 (2nd ed:0-201-92488-9), Publisher: Addison-Wesley)

More Effective C++ - more tips (Author: Scott Meyers, ISBN: 0-201-63371-X , Publisher: Addison-Wesley)


Programming Windows 95 with MFC - a good book for beginning MFC programmers.

(Author: Jeff Prosise, Publisher: Microsoft Press, ISBN: 1-55615-902-1)

Revolutionary Guide to MFC 4 Programming with Visual C++ - more advanced use of MFC, with more Visual C++ specific material than above, but still limited. (Author: Mike Blaszczak, ISBN: 1-874416-92-3, Publisher: Wrox Press)

MFC Internals - Inside the Microsoft Foundation Classes - a detailed look at how MFC does what it does. I found this very, but then I'm a hacker at heart. (Authors: George Shepherd, Scot Wingo, Publisher: Addison Wesley Developer's Press, ISBN:0-201-40721-3)


If you make a submission, let me know if you want a link to your email address or a home page.

Stephen Howe - supplied the x2ftp site, the DOS extender sites and Paul Hsieh's pages.

What's new




